Psychotherapy is a treatment option to assist individuals or families in decreasing emotional challenges related to mental health. Therapy can serve to support individuals in understanding their emotions, increase their ability for self-reflection and awareness and gain new skills to more positively manage these challenges. Since PLAY is the language of childhood, children need play mindfully woven into mental health treatment.

My family and I have been fortunate to work with Tara McDonald, LCSW, over the past 3+ years. My background is in Early Childhood Education, but, as my own daughter was nearing the start of Kindergarten, my husband and I began struggling with how to manage her anxiety. We reached out to Tara at this time, and it was one of the best parenting decisions we have ever made. Given the strategies and guidance provided by Tara, our daughter’s transition to public school went better than I could ever have hoped. Not only was the school transition painless, but we found that our daughter’s overall anxiety was better supported with the help of Tara. Family challenges, friend struggles, and life changes were made easier utilizing Tara’s knowledge and input. My family was always welcomed to sessions, and I felt therapy was a collaborative process. More importantly, my daughter has consistently looked forward to her time with Tara, and truly enjoys the playfulness and enthusiasm that Tara brings to each session. Our daughter still deals with anxiety, but thankfully, given our work with Tara, she now has “many tools in her toolbox” to manage it. I would wholeheartedly recommend Tara to any family who is looking to better support their child.


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      500 US Route One, Yarmouth, Maine 04096

      (207) 405-0259